Check out some of the benefits Repair Pilot offers and see what it can do for your business.
Repair Pilot has so many great features that benefit you and your business in different ways. Use the filter below to see how Repair Pilot can help you acheive those things in your business.
Or grab a coffee, hit 'Show Me Them All' and enjoy while you read about how Repair Pilot will transform your business.
This is not an exhaustive list of everything Repair Pilot can do, just enough to whet the appetite. Start your free trial, or request a demo to see the rest!
Keep Track of Everything
Give your customers the best possible experience. Offer SMS or email receipts upon checking an item in, automatic updates throughout and 24/7 tracking of their repairs, invoices and more.
Know What Is Happening - Everytime
Repair Pilot allows you to assign each repair within a job to individual team members, each with thier own start, due and completed dates and status.
This allows you to know what is happening, who is doing it, and if it is late. Accountability plays a major role in ensuring a smooth running repair business.
Keep in touch
One thing we know is that keeping a customer informed is great customer service. That is why we offer a range of methods to do this.
Repair Pilot allows you to communicate with your customers via email, SMS and coming soon (2020) your own mobile app
By allowing both automated messages to your customers as well as a simple interface to send custom messages, means that your customer will have more confidence in your service, and in turn, not have to phone or come in store for updates, saving you valuable staff time.
Reduce Update Calls
We know how frustrating it can be when you spend so much time on the phone or in store talking to customers who want an update on thier repair.
No matter how often you say, we will be in touch as soon as it is done, your staff's time is still wasted on answering these calls and dealing with these customers.
The Repair Pilot customer portal allows you to give access to your customers and then allows them to see a list of all current and previous jobs, as well as being able to see current progress, status, notes and more. They can also make new enquiries here as well.
Keeping Things in Order
Giving your customers confidence in your company is imperative to repeat custom. Giving the customer confidence and assurance in your business by providing full check in receipts is a great way of doing this.
Repair Pilot can print an A4 and thermal printer check-in receipts, email a check-in receipt or send a confirmation SMS which includes their job reference number, information about the item and repair as well as contact information.
You can fully customise these receipts to only include the information you need, change the layout and add your company logo and details.
Keeping things Labelled
Using labels to keep track of customer items while they are in your care can really help reduce and missing or mixed up items, especially if a customer brings in a bag, box and other accessories. You need to keep track of these.
Repair Pilot allows you to create your own range of labels, of different sizes and with different information. Allowing you to tag things quickly and easily.
You can add a range of customer and job information onto these labels, and they are printed from the job screen with the click of a button. Almost all leading label printers are covered, including Brother, Dymo and more.
Keeping tabs on your inventory
Our parts management module can be used in various ways; as a simple parts list, or as a stock managed inventory.
In its simplest form, it will allow you to add parts that you may use on repairs, their associated costs and selling prices. They can then be added to the job, so you know what parts have been used, and can then be automatically passed onto an invoice
In its more advanced form, you can use it as above, but with stock and supplier management, allowing you to have low stock alerts, delivery tracking etc.
Keeping everyone up to date
Notes allow your staff to keep everyone else informed on the job in question
An easy to use interface allows anyone to access the notes to answer any customer enquiries and also to give a historical report on the job
As well as this, there is the option to add private notes, which are not available for the customer to view when checking the status of the job online.
Wherever You Are
Repair Pilot is a fantastic piece of software which allows repair companies to take control of their business, why would we not offer this perfect solutions worldwide?
Repair Pilot allows you to choose your region, timezone, date formats, currency and more, to ensure it is fully suited to you, your business, your customers and your country.
Repair Pilot is also multi-lingual. You can choose from a selection of languages already translated for you. We are adding more translations all the time.
Because every business is unique
Customise receipts, the interface, the language, field titles, reports, add your own custom fields, marketing campaigns and more
We know every business is its own, and we would have our software become your own too. Brand the software with your own logo along with a whole host of other customisable sections.
Our custom field feature allows you to add as many different fields as you like, to ensure you can enter all the information against a job, customer, part and more, that you need.
Keeping things documented
You can upload and attach photos to a job using our built in uploader, via a webcam, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive or just upload an image from your device.
Keeping photos can help you document any damage as an item is booked in for repair, as well as helping you report on the job to the customer throughout the process, showing them issues, faults and more
It is also a great way to store evidence of how an item left you, with every upload being timestamped by Repair Pilot on upload.
Covering Your Back
Repair Pilot offers the ability to add a customer's signature to the job. This is then printed on the check-in receipt and used as evidence that an item was booked in under certain conditions and also in acceptance of T&C's or Privacy Policys
This is of course an optional feature, but can help in situations that may arise with certain customers.
Signature entry can be done via a signature pad, or using the mouse on screen.
Making It Pay
The invoicing module allows you to automatically put a job onto an invoice, along with any other items you have added, such as parts and repair types.
You can also create invoices for customers outside of a job, and choose whether you want to create a summary invoice, or one with line items.
Our invoicing module is an optional feature, but can be used alongside some of our 3rd part integrations, such as Quickbooks and other accountancy packages.
Increase Recurring Revenue
Repair Pilot allows you to automated reminders to your customers in the future.
Want to remind them that thier item needs a service in a years time? Let them know to renew a product in 6 months? No problem.
You can setup automated text or email alerts for your customers, meaning you are much more likely to get thier custom again next time, and you don't have to remember to do it!
Saving You Time
Canned Replies allow you to setup standard replies and update messages to send to your customer, which can be automatically filled with various information such as customer names, job numbers, job price etc.
This makes is very easy, and intuitive to send out job completion emails and to send out an SMS asking for approval for a job to be completed. Saving you time and money.
Nobody likes to type the same thing out again, and again. Our canned replies feature solves that problem. It also ensures a consistent message from your company.
So you know what is going on
Repair Pilot allows you to automated reminders to your customers in the future.
Want to remind them that thier item needs a service in a years time? Let them know to renew a product in 6 months? No problem.
You can setup automated text or email alerts for your customers, meaning you are much more likely to get thier custom again next time, and you don't have to remember to do it!
Analytical Data on tap
Want something a little more in depth than what is on the dashboard? Head over to the reports section
Want to know which technician has the most amount of returned jobs, whether there are repair type trends over the course of a year, how much you are spending on parts last week?
Within reason, whatever you need to see, can be seen here. We are always expanding this section, so if you have a need for something particular, just let us know.
We would love to hear from you
After recently redeveloping Repair Pilot into a cloud solution, it has allowed us to integrate many things that our customers have asked for in the past.
If you have a suggestion, or a feature request for Repair Pilot, we would love you to get in touch as tell us about it
Click here to use the contact form, and we will gladly take a look into